By Mason Harris When writing to the Romans, the apostle Paul said, “Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2). It is generally true that man is conditioned by outside influences, which surround him. He has a tendency to be conditioned by the persons with whom …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Disciples of Christ
By James Sanders Does the epithet disciple rebuke us? Are we Christians and yet not disciples? Disciple is from the Greek mathetes, literally a pupil or learner. Mathetes (disciple) is formed upon the verb manthano, which has the basic meaning: “to direct one’s mind to something.” A disciple is one who had directed his mind; he …
By Raymond Harville Agreement in doctrine does not guarantee unity. There have been many churches that divided, when in the conclusion both groups believed and taught the same thing. However, each refused the other. Division often comes as a result of differences in personalities. There are misunderstandings. These create feelings within us, and we must fight …
“One Fact and One Act: (I)
By James W. Adams Briefly stated in Ketcherside’s own words, his theory of New Testament fellowship can be summed up in the alliterative slogan, “One fact James W. Adams and one act.” Note a recently published P.O. Drawer “H” statement from our brother concerning his views: “We are called into this fellowship of the Son, by …