By Mason Harris Growth is a natural law of life. When things stop growing, they begin to die. Someone summed it up by saying in reference to fruit, “It is either ripe and rotting, or green and growing.” And so it is with reference to man. Growth means progress and development, and one of the greatest …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
“The Achilles’ Heel of the New Unity Cult” (I)
By James W. Adams According to Greek mythology, Achilles, hero of the Trojan War, had been dipped at birth in the river Styx that he might thus be rendered safe from injury in battle. His mother Thetis, the sea goddess, held him by his heel to perform the operation; hence his whole body was covered by …
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Overcoming the Devil
By Mason Harris It is said that after Thomas Carlyle took Ralph Waldo Emerson through the dark streets of London, with its sin, he asked, “Do you believe in the Devil now?” In our own day listen to die news or read the daily paper if you need proof of the, Devil’s existence. Not only does …
“Brethren, We Are Drifting”
By Larry Ray Hafley Brother J. D. Tant used to warn and exhort, “Brethren, we are drifting.” The late and lamented W. W. Otey once wrote a lengthy series of articles on “Trends.” The practice of these men does not establish the way of truth, but their admonition to beware of gradually slipping away (“drifting”) from …