By Huey P. Hartsell While upon this earth Jesus was misunderstood, slandered, persecuted and crucified. The masses viewed him as an impostor and fanatic. The Jews accused him of blasphemy, gluttony, and winebibbing. They charged him with having a devil and said that he wrought miracles by the power of Belzebub. After living among men for …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
“The Achilles’ Heel of the New Unity Cult” (II)
By James W. Adams Borrowing a line of approach from Brother W. Carl Ketcherside’s polished propaganda, let it be noted that the New Testament kerux (herald) was not a self-proclaimed specialist nor a self-sanctified sacrificial offering to any one element or aspect of Divine truth or human obligation to King Jesus and his benevolent rule of …
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By Mason Harris Growth is a natural law of life. When things stop growing, they begin to die. Someone summed it up by saying in reference to fruit, “It is either ripe and rotting, or green and growing.” And so it is with reference to man. Growth means progress and development, and one of the greatest …
“The Achilles’ Heel of the New Unity Cult” (I)
By James W. Adams According to Greek mythology, Achilles, hero of the Trojan War, had been dipped at birth in the river Styx that he might thus be rendered safe from injury in battle. His mother Thetis, the sea goddess, held him by his heel to perform the operation; hence his whole body was covered by …
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