By Cecil Willis Though many problems confront the church today, one of the most acute is the shortage of trained men to preach the gospel. Timothy was told to transmit that which had been committed to him “to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2). The perpetual need for the …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
By Robin Peiser (13 years of age) In the beginning of what was to be, God created you and me. First He made the heaven, earth and light, He let it shine for a while,Then created He night. God said he liked it that way, and it all became the first day.Next, God gave a few other orders; He divided the firmament …
Unity and Tullahoma, Tennessee (II)
By Dorris V. Rader In recent years this spirit of ecumenism has broken loose among some in the “restoration movement” and they have proclaimed a new movement known as “The Fellowship of The Concerned Ones.” There is a definite and undeniable affinity between the denominational ecumenical movement and this new movement. This is virtually admitted by …
Ketcherside Meets Himself Coming Back
By James W. Adams “How fast would a man have to run around the block to see himself leave?” In the halcyon days of youth, before the complexities of life which are inherent in maturity set in, the quotation above was a sort of standing joke among a group of us budding intellectuals (?) who were …