Cornelius and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

By O. C. Birdwell Apparently the widely read and generally accepted book, The Mission and Medium of the Holy Spirit, by Foy E. Wallace, Jr., has caused the acceptance on the part of many of the idea that Cornelius was not baptized with the Holy Spirit. While it is true that what happened at the house …

True Scholarship

By Keith Sharp Modernism has invaded the church of Christ. Recently Mission Magazine named an article entitled “The 301 Cubit Ark,” an article that blasphemously poked fun at the authority of the New Testament pattern, “article of the year.” Writers in Mission Messenger, the libertarian voice of W. Carl Ketcherside, announce they are “free from law.” …

EDITORIAL – Some Improvements in Truth Magazine

By Cecil Willis As long as we have been publishing Truth Magazine, we have promised our readers that as finances and facilities permitted, we would do our best to present to you a first-class religious journal as to contents, make-up, materials, and appearance. We thus are contemplating some changes in the paper beginning November 1, 1973. …