By O.C. Birdwell Much has been written about the Holy Spirit being given as an “earnest” of our inheritance. Theories are many. Some hold the position that reference is to a personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit today. Others say the “earnest” amounts to the promises made by the Holy Spirit to the obedient. A careful …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
How Successful Is Ketchersidean Subversion?
By James W. Adams Down Memory’s Lane Memory is a fascinating quality of the human mind. Though often the subject of metaphysical and philosophical controversy, its indestructibility seems all but axiomatic. The August issue of Mission Messenger, W. Carl Ketcherside paper, came in yesterday’s mail. As I scanned its pages, memory suddenly and inexplicably produced from …
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What Is Truth?
By Keith Sharp What is truth? This soul-searching question, posed by Pontius Pilate over 1900 years ago (John 18:38), still haunts a spiritually floundering human race. Truth is the most precious commodity in the world. It alone can free you from the guilt of sin (John 8:31-32). Where can truth be found? Jesus is the truth …
“And If They Drink Any Deadly Thing, It Shall Not Hurt Them”
By Irvin Himmel That is what Jesus told the apostles. Jesus does not lie. Two preachers drank deadly poison in Tennessee and became fatalities. They misapplied the words of Jesus and went to their graves. Moral of the story: It is serious business to tamper with the word of the Lord! Background In the interval between …
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