By Ron Halbrook (Editor’s Note: An introductory article to this series in which Brother Ron Halbrook is reviewing the position of his dear friend, Brother Edward Fudge, appeared in the Sept. 20th issue. If you have access to that introductory article, but have not yet read it, I suggest you do so before reading this article.) …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Roy E. Cogdill
Most of the brethren know that back in 1946 when the last issue of the Bible Banner that would have ever been published had been brought out, I assumed, agreeably with Brother Foy E. Wallace, Jr. responsibility for its publication. With the help of Brother Roy D. Spears, Luther Blackmon, and all of the …
Jesus Christ Deity or Demon!!
By Robert W. La Coste Just the other day I heard an individual exclaim, “Why Jesus was a good man, but this Son of God business is a story that no logical person could accept.” Needless to say, I was a bit disturbed. Really now! Do people know what conclusions must be faced if Jesus was …
Love the Brotherhood
By Irven Lee “Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king” (1 Peter 2:17). This collection of short sentences is full of advice that our generation needs. This verse has, no doubt, been urgently needed in all ages. Those who are least prepared to appreciate this wisdom often use the word “relevant.” To …