By Jack Gibbert I confess to moments when I wonder what possible good advertising on the back pages of Truth Magazine and other papers does. I find myself mumbling to myself, “who reads them?” or for that matter, who cares?” In more enjoyable moments I find myself reflecting on the numerous blessings the Haygood congregation in …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Does the Atonement Include Healing of the Body?
By Larry Ray Hafley Most of the sects that believe miraculous divine healing is still performed today teach that the death of Christ provided both physical and spiritual healing. “Since Calvary was the fulfillment of every type which depicted it, Christ has also included healing for our diseases in His atonement! “The most complete Old Testament …
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Who Wrote The Bible?
By Keith Sharp Paul the Apostle declared, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Timothy 3:16). What is the meaning of this bold declaration? The word “scripture” means a “writing, thing written.” It is used fifty-one times in the New Testament and always refers to the writings, which make up the Bible. The Apostle …
Appeal to Edward Fudge: (III) Unity: History and Scripture
By Ron Halbrook (EDITOR’S NOTE: For the Preface to this series of articles, please see the Introductory article in the Sept. 20th issue of Truth Magazine). POINT 4: Our brother’s writing on restoration thought which appeared in the 1968-69 Guardian is replete with quotations from H. W. Everest, J. Z. Tyler, Isaac Errett, J. S. Lamar, …
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