Something You Can Do

By Cecil Willis Conscientious Christians rejoice at the spiritual battles won, no matter where the battle is fought throughout the world. Brethren in this country have in so many different ways evidenced a deep and an abiding interest in the propagation of the gospel in foreign countries. At least one hundred gospel preachers in other lands …

“What Ever Happened to Loyalty?”

By B. G. Hope The above heading is the title of an article by Edward H. Weiss, Chairman, Edward H. Weiss and Company, Chicago, Ill. The article appeared in Advertising Age, July 17, 1972. I want to quote some excerpts from the writing and then make some observations. “We have lost most of our traditional loyalties. …

Denominationalizing the Church

By O.C. Birdwell You name it and probably it is sponsored by some church. The Apline Hills church of Christ in Mobile, Alabama published a “Monthly Report” from two men (Marvin F. Bryant and Robert Shank) whom they apparently sponsor as ministers to the ministers. They spend their time talking to denominational preachers about coming over …