60 Second Sermon on Hypocrites

By Larry R. DeVore The word “Hypocrisy” is from the Greek word “Hupokrisis” meaning literally, “To answer- play-acting, hence, pretence.” (Vine, page 241). Quite often when visiting an unfaithful member of the church, his or her favorite excuse is “There are too many hypocrites in the church.” And I suppose they are right. For even one …

What Baptists Believe About Baptism (II)

By Larry Ray Hafley The Baptist World, a Landmark Missionary Baptist publication, has a monthly feature entitled, “What Baptists Believe.” In the December, 1971, issue, baptism is discussed under the subheading, “What Is Scriptural Baptism?” The article states that “Four Things Are Essential for Scriptural Baptism.” We reviewed the first of the four essentials in a …

Teacher: Consider Thyself (I)

By Jimmy Tuten, Jr. “My brethren, be not many masters; knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation” (Jas. 3:1). The lexicons tell us that the word (didaskalos) translated “master” should have been translated “teachers.” It is rendered “teachers” in the American Standard Version. The obvious meaning therefore is that Jewish Christians were attempting to teach …