By R. J. Findley, Jr. At the time of the writing of the above lines, the state and position of Israel were at a rather low ebb. God, in his visions to Zechariah, is setting forth his plans for Israel in the contemplated building of the temple in Jerusalem. He points out there would be difficulties, …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
To Whom Was the Command to Be Baptized Given?
By John W. Hedge Baptism in the name of Christ is commanded of God. (Matt. 28:18-20. Acts 2:38. Acts 10:48.) God’s commandments as found in the New Testament were given to two accountable classes known as “the saved” and “the Lost,” or as children of God or children of the devil. This command (baptism) was given …
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Anticipating the Command
By William V Beasley While a recruit in the Army taking basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky our platoon sergeant let all the recruits know that one of the great “sins” of a recruit was that of “anticipating the command.” In marching a preparatory command, such as “Left Flank,” “Column Right,” etc., was given followed by …
Sexual Freedom or Slavery?
By William C. Sexton The Psalmist said: “The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.” (Psa. 19:8). The meaning of this statement needs to be understood and its accuracy believed. A failure to understand and/or believe the declaration results in many living a miserable life now and making sure that they shall do the …