Teacher: Consider Thyself (II)

By Jimmy Tuten, Jr. In a previous article I focused attention on the need for the Bible class teacher to consider himself in view of the great and wonderful task performed. This writing is a continuation of those thoughts. No group of workers is more important in the activities of the local church than teachers. The …

What Baptists Believe About Baptism

By Larry Ray Hafley The Baptist World, a Landmark Missionary Baptist publication, has a monthly feature entitled, “What Baptists Believe.” In the December, 1971, issue, baptism is discussed under the subheading, “What Is Scriptural Baptism?” The article states that “Four Things Are Essential for Scriptural Baptism.” We reviewed two of the four essentials in previous installments …

Our Obligations Toward Truth

By Cecil Willis We often speak of those who are in covenant relationship with God, as contrasted with those who do not sustain such a relationship with God. Those in covenant relationship with God have pledged themselves to do God’s will (Ex. 19:1-8). The difference between those referred to as “the people of God” and those …

“These Are Written; That Ye Might Believe”

By Thomas A. Hagewood The scriptures reveal that the basic purpose of Jesus’ miracles was to establish his deity. Jesus assigned this purpose to them himself in John 10:19-42. Paul began his epistle to the saints at Rome by stating that the resurrection of Christ declared him to be the Son of God with power (Rom. …