Concerning the Clarification and Related Matters

By Aubrey Belue, Jr. Elsewhere in Truth Magazine, Brother Willis clarifies a statement made earlier in the magazine concerning the Oakdale church in Tuscaloosa. As one of the Tuscaloosa brethren, I have an immediate interest in what he has to say. From where I stand, it more than takes care of any damage-real or imagined-the former …

“The Truth of the Matter Is…” Getting Muddled

By Ron Halbrook We have recently warned of loose views on unity. Not only has our effort included the series in Truth Magazine, but also recent preaching in Tennessee and north Alabama (along with Tom O’Neal). Printed booklets (“Bible Unity vs. A ‘New’ Unity Movement”), bulletins (both Tom’s and mine), and charts were used-all including some …

Neo-Supernaturalism’s View of Sin

By Cecil Willis (EDITORS NOTE: The following article is somewhat different from the usual editorial in this magazine. For several years, it has been evident to some of us that some of our young intellectuals had adopted a Neo-Orthodox view of Scripture. Now Brother Edward Fudge has discovered a new definition of sin. His new definition …