By H. L. Bruce In order for a preacher to persuade brethren that discipline is right and proper and that it is ordained of God and should be scripturally practiced in a congregation, it should not be necessary for him to fight the members of that congregation. But many times that is exactly what, he has …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Character Readings?
By Raymond E. Harris Palm reading, crystal ball gazing and character analysis by Astrologers has become big, big business in America and throughout the world. Despite the fact that America has developed the most sophisticated and intellectual society the world has ever seen, signs are springing up along the streets advertizing the powers of fortune tellers, …
Editorial : The Triumph of Grace in the Theology of Edward Fudge (2)
By Cecil Willis Nearly every false religion has resulted from an unscriptural emphasis upon a scriptural doctrine, or from a perversion of a scriptural doctrine. History is replete with the instances of this very thing occurring. More than one hundred passages teach salvation by faith, but sectarians give undue emphasis to saving faith when they conclude …
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The Sounds of Warfare
By Leon Willis While Moses stood atop the mountain of Sinai to receive the law by the hand of God, the Israelites, anxious about his return, and fearing him dead, turned to the idols of Egypt and fashioned for themselves a golden calf in rebellion to the commandments only recently given by God. Proclaiming a day …