By O.C. Birdwell My faithful brother, co-worker, and good friend, Cecil Willis, has been accused of being a politician, forming a conspiracy, and going beyond “principles of discretion and propriety” in his operating Truth Magazine and a book business. Because he asked Ed Fudge and the Gospel Guardian Editor for a clarification of their stand on …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Do You Have The Proper Motive?
By William C. Sexton Have you read of the events that have been recorded in John 6:5-27? If you have not, then I suggest that you stop and read it. Then having read it, think, meditate, and state in your own words just what the lesson is! Jesus says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye …
The Church and Salvation
By Larry Ray Hafley Some denominations teach that one may be saved from his sins without being a member of any church. Does the Bible teach this doctrine? Can one be saved before he becomes a member of the New Testament church? In this article, we shall notice one scriptural argument to show that one is …
Hate Your Father and Mother!
By Keith Sharp Why do you attend the church of which you are a member? Is it because your father and mother before you were members of that church? Is it because your husband or wife belongs to that particular religious body? What if Christ, through His Word, the New Testament, demanded one thing, and the …