By Weldon E. Warnock My article, “A Few ‘Licks’ for Florida College,” was far more powerful than I realized. I thought it was mediocre, to say the most, but evidently I was wrong about its impact. Brother Jeffery Kingry has been provoked by it to write two responses, the second of which appears in this issue. …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
A Brief Reply to All My Anonymous Correspondents
By Jeffery Kingry It was obvious from the articles “A Few Licks For Florida College” (Truth Magazine, Nov. 22, 1973) that Brother Weldon Warnock was reacting to material that appeared in the May 1973 issue of Torch magazine by Royce Chandler. While in Tampa, Florida for the 1974 Florida College lectures, Brother Warnock confirmed this to …
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Who Is Narrow-Minded?
By Irvin Himmel “You are the most narrow-minded person I ever met,” said one who scarcely knows an apostle from an epistle, speaking to a friend who has strong convictions. Enamored with the idea of broad-mindedness, some people are so liberal in their thinking that they try to believe anything and everything and end up believing …
Making Peace
By Larry R. Houchen The young generation today often displays a “peace sign” by forming a V-shape with the index finger and the third finger. Although this sign to them is a symbol for making peace, this article is concerned with the making of peace with God. In the seventh beatitude of Christ’s sermon on the …