“I Will Come To You”

By Larry Ray Hafley The United Pentecostal denomination, which is commonly identified as the “Jesus only” or “Oneness” sect, wrests various Scriptures in lame and vain attempts to establish their fundamental keystone and cornerstone doctrine; namely, that Jesus Christ is the only person in the Godhead. They believe and teach that: (1) “Jesus Is The Father,” …

The Evolutionist’s Lack of Evidence Phylogenies

By Lynn Trapp During the second semester of my stay at Texas Tech University, I took a course in Historical Geology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a laboratory science. The textbook for the course was Geological Evolution Of North America by Thomas H. Clark and Colin W. Stearn. All authors of books on historical …

Life in Outer Space and the Bible?

By James W. Rury To one who is curious about the miracle of nature each spring and who wonders about the perpetual wagging of a dog’s tail, it is natural that he also be intrigued by the mysteries of history. The pyramids of Egypt, the knowledge the Babylonians had of astronomy, the mathematic accomplishments of the …