“Is the Church of Christ Really The Church of Christ? ” (I )

By Donald P Ames Reviewing the “Confession of an Ex-Campbellite” Recently a tract came into my hands by Jim B. Miller of Box 1313, Brenham, Texas, who claims to have been “formerly affiliated with your denomination,” but is presently the minister of the First Assembly of God in Brenham. Since this tract was placed beneath the …

“In” and “Out” of Grace

By Cecil Willis We have continued to tell you that the position being taken of late by some of our brethren is a dangerous approximation of Calvinistic theology. While the older preachers among us fought Calvinism half a century ago on a thousand fronts, some of our “precocious neophytes” (as Brother James W. Adams so aptly …

No Book But The Bible

By Irvin Himmel When pioneer preachers thundered the plea for the restoration of first-century Christianity across America, they urged that men “speak where the Scriptures speak, and be silent where the Scriptures are silent.” They insisted, “Let us do Bible things in Bible ways, and call Bible things by Bible names.” Another slogan heard often in …