By Roland Worth, Jr. Men are dreamers. When they turn their talents to writing, the result can be a great fiction. When they turn their talents to technology, the result can be a great leap forward in the living standards of mankind. But when men turn their talents of innovation to the field of religion, the …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Communication Barriers
By Jimmy Tuten, Jr. Communication is defined as “an exchange of information.” It involved the transmission of ideas and thoughts. To communicate means that you share with others your concepts, your thoughts and ideas. Most of our time is spent in this mutual relationship by either speaking or listening. This ability to communicate is what makes …
Purpose of Baptism
By George T. Eldridge The religious world is filled with Protestant churches, denominational churches, independent churches, Jewish faith, and the “One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church.” All of those false churches have influenced responsible people to hole to one idea on the purpose of baptism: remission of sins is received before baptism. These false teachers …
“Righteousness Exalteth A Nation… “
By Jeffery Kingry Scriptures reveal that on the day of judgment, when all that is of a physical nature shall be burned up (2 Pet. 3:1012), then mankind will stand in judgment on an individual basis (Rev. 20:12-15). There will be no institutions such as home, school, church, or nation to stand at the judgment bar: …