“Is the Church of Christ Really the Church of Christ?” (II)

By Donald P Ames (We continue our review of the tract by the above title written by Jim B. Miller, a minister of the First Assembly of God in Brenham, Tex., who also claims to have formerly been a member of the body of Christ-1 Jn. 2:19). 16. That musical instruments in public worship is a …

Unity! Can It Be Had in the Modern Religious World?

By Bruce James The thought of unity is to me a very thought-provoking and emotional subject because it is that which most religious people wish for many times. As I ask myself, can unity be obtained today, the thought also enters my mind in the form of another question: what is the cause(s) of division in …

“Afraid of A Good Man?”

By James W Adams The human brain is a marvelous and curious instrument. Why is it that some things, apparently long forgotten, suddenly pop up from memory’s storehouse? Almost twenty-five years ago, when our now deceased brother, Cled E. Wallace, was being subjected to some particularly virulent personal attacks by brethren whose “idols” Brother Cled had …

Reuel Lemmons: This Generation’s Enigma

By Cecil Willis It is very interesting to get the Firm Foundation, of which Brother Reuel Lemmons is the Editor. The exciting thing about the Firm Foundation is that one never knows just what might be on page 2, the editorial page. Brother Jimmy Lovell of California has given Brother Lemmons the dubious “honor” of having …