By Larry R. DeVore HOPE! a word bright with promise! When one has hope, he is buoyant, filled with anticipation and cheerful prospects for the future. A person only has to consider the opposite of hope (hopelessness and despair) to realize how important hope is in his life. Think about this: a family member has been …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Committed to Purity
By Doug Roush God expects his contemporary earthly dwellings to be as pure as his earthly dwellings of ancient times. Imagine that God commissioned you to construct the tabernacle. What material would you deem suitable to use in its construction? Remember, this structure represents God’s dwelling among his people (Exod. 29:43-46). I imagine Moses was as …
A Life of Service
By Larry DeVore To most of us in the United States, the concept of “service” is “serve me now!” We enter a restaurant, and we expect to be seated now. Bring me coffee now! Bring our menus now! Take our order now! Bring our meal promptly! If our meal doesn’t arrive as soon as we …
A Life of Sacrifice
By Lewis Willis Sacrifice (thusia) denotes the act of offering, as well as that which is offered (Vine, 313). Christians are not only told that offering is a requirement in their lives, they are even told what to offer. This aspect of the Christian Life will be explored in this article. The Bible describes religion …