By Cecil Willis Arrangements have been made for Brother Jesse G. Jenkins of Denton, Texas and me to be participants in a four-night Bible discussion September 23, 24, 26, 27 in the Houston, Texas area. The subject which we will be discussing will be what is commonly referred to as the “College Question,” but which in …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
The Progress of Liberalism
By Roy E. Cogdill Perhaps none of us like to be called by an epithet even though it may be descriptive, in a technical sense, of our attitude or action. When the Christian Church people “went out from us” it was actually because “they were not of us.” The use of the term “digressive” was common …
Things Do Change C Or Do They?
By Denver Neimeier During recent years we have seen many changes occur in our methods of travel, communication and those things which make up our daily activities. We are told that progress brings about such changes. While we might question whether some of the changes that have occurred are 14 progress,” it is granted that other …
Last Laugh’s On Me!
By Ron Halbrook The first time we ever went to see the campus of Abilene Christian College was in the Summer of 1972. Somewhere between Baytown and Abilene, Texas, we passed a building with a sign that gave us a real laugh. The best we remember, there were actually two instances of this ridiculousness. One sign …