By Roy E. Stephens That all things came into existence by chance, is the doctrine. basically, of evolution. How the twisted intelligence of modern man can accept the doctrine is beyond belief. The electric light hanging from the ceiling was made by some ~intelligent being, but the evolutionist says the greatest light of all, the sun, …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
A Message For Daddies
By Billy W Moore Some time ago I noticed an ad in Reader’s Digest entitled, “A Message For Daddies,” so naturally I read it. It was by the American Cancer Society and had some good advice: “Get yourself a good, thorough examination once a year. Once a year, let your doctor really look you over. It’ll …
A Christian – Almost or Altogether
By Ken Weliever As the peerless apostle Paul pled his cause before Herod Agrippa II in Acts 26, he took advantage of the occasion to preach Christ unto the ones at that gathering. Festus doggedly dodged the emphasis of Paul’s sermon by accusing him of insanity. The immoral Bernice complacently and indifferently sat through the tiring …
What Is The Church?
By Mike Willis The American concept of the church is largely a product of what is seen to be practiced by those who call themselves a church. Americans should draw their concept of the church from the New Testament rather than from their experiential contacts with denominations. However, since the normal method of coming to an …