Instrumental Music As an Aid

By Keith Ward There have been many arguments presented in favor of instrumental music. Their sheer number argues against their plausibility. If the practice were scriptural, only one argument would be necessary. Or, as Shakespeare wrote, “Me thinks thou protesteth too much.” Nature of Aids Before it is possible to determine whether instrumental music is an …

Nigerian Report

By Leslie Diestelkamp This report must necessarily be brief, yet comprehensive and informative. I shall therefore divide it into various subheadings as follows: Travel Brother Jim Sasser, of Rogersville, Ala. 37857 (Rt. 3, Box 3) and I made the trip to Nigeria together. Jim is an ideal travel companion and made the frustrating experiences of such …

The E. M. Zerr Bible Commentaries

By Cecil Willis The Cogdill Foundation, which publishes Truth Magazine, has obtained exclusive publication rights to the six volume Bible Commentary written by Brother E. M. Zerr. This set, covering both Old and New Testaments, is available in an impressive hardback binding. The dark green binding material looks beautiful, stamped in gold lettering, and should serve …