Alabama. Churches

By Tom Moody In the Firm Foundation, April 9, 1974, an editorial appeared entitled, “The Church In Alabama.” Reading the article might lead one to believe that the “church in Alabama” is centered on the campus- of Alabama Christian College, since it is that human institution with which the article is really interested and the Lord’s …

Grace and Permissiveness

By Dale Smelser There is cause for concern in some current ideas premised upon the grace of God. What persons with such ideas are saying of grace per se is often fine, but their projected applications are unjustified, especially when they suppose that the fellowship of false teachers and errant brethren is necessitated because such by …

Adams and Willis to Return to Philippines

By Cecil Willis In 1970, Roy Cogdill and I made a visit to the Philippine Islands, at the request of brethren there. As the result of teaching done by Romulo Agduma on Mindanao, and by Victorio Tibayan on Luzon (both assisted in teaching the truth by a host of other good men), quite a number of …

Are You Battle Weary?

By Leslie Diestelkamp Every real Christian must indeed be tired of the constant conflict to which we are continually committed. War is always a grueling experience, but this is especially so in case of civil war-war between people of the same citizenship. And the same is true spiritually. Doctrinal conflict with denominational forces may become frustrating …