By John McCort The hours drone on as we wait at the bedside of a brother in Christ whose body is wracked from the throes of cancer. The room is dark. The mood is solemn. The only sounds are the silent hiss of the air conditioner and the wheeze of his labored breathing. The voices are …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Types of Prayer
By Arthur W. Adams How would you feel if your child were always in your presence and never spoke one word to you? God is our Father and we are His children if we have obeyed the truth, but some of us do not even bother to talk to our Protector. This is certainly contrary to …
Instrumental Music and the Nature of the New Covenant
By Leon Willis The New Testament scriptures do not command the use of a mechanical instrument in the worship of God. This fact is generally conceded by “instrumentalists” and “non-instrumentalists” alike. Therefore those who wish to use the mechanical instrument must find some other means of justifying their musical preference. Some seek to discover in the …
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Is the Restoration Principle Valid ?
By Mike Willis The American religious movement which is commonly called “The Restoration Movement” and which was led by Thomas and Alexander Campbell, Walter Scott, and Barton W. Stone was as much a unity movement as is the twentieth century ecumenical movement. However, the basis on which unity was to be attained in that movement was …