By Mike Willis Some who are presently seeking to unify the various segments of the “restoration movement” have concluded that men can be united if they will only consider as necessary for extending fellowship to an individual his obedience to the commandments of Jesus and leave as matters of opinion such items as are taught by …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Modesty and Your Physician
By William V Beasley AProve all things, hold fast that which is good” (I Tim. 5:21). When a new thought is presented those who have a closed mind say, “That is not what I have believed, therefore it cannot be true.” The honest and open minded individual will weigh carefully and consider fully. What I am …
Does Grace Excuse Doctrinal Error?
By Dale Smelser Some are asserting that there is sufficient latitude in the grace of God to accommodate the various aberrations found in the numerous groups considered a part of the Restoration Movement, and this on the premise that God’s grace pardons doctrinal error. But when we study God’s pattern for our service, the epistles, we …
The Foundation of the Church
By Larry R. DeVore In Matt. 16:18 we read, “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it” (NASB). Jesus promised to build His church; He only promised to build one. not two, nor twenty, nor two …