Herald of Truth in Illegal Action

By Leo Rogol It is certain now that the Nixon administration is not the only group in trouble over violation of law and guilty of unethical behavior. Now the Highland church and its elders in Abilene, Texas, have committed an illegal act. And it may get them in serious trouble with the federal government. Who would …

“19 Reasons@ Refuted (1)

By Larry Ray Hafley A tract published by Calvary Baptist Church in Oak Forest, Illinois, and entitled “19 Reasons Why A Christian Cannot Be Lost!” has been given to me with the request that I review its teaching. The author of the “19 Reasons” is not specifically stated, but the name of “Dr. William F. Schroeder, …

Reflections on Writing and Influence

By Steve Wolfgang Shortly before his death in 1878, the venerable Benjamin Franklin, editor of the American Christian Review (which one historian has called “the most influential Disciples journal” during this period of the Restoration Movement 1 ), wrote to the young preacher, Daniel Sommer. Eight years later, Sommer would assume the editorship of the Review. …

Lindy McDaniel and Our “Doctrinal” Differences

By Cecil Willis There have been a good many rumors, and a considerable stir, about the fact that I added the word “doctrinal” into an article written by Lindy McDaniel in the last issue of Pitching For the Master to be published by the Cogdill Foundation. It is true that I added the word “doctrinal” to …