Book Briefs

By Mike Willis Practically any work by Bernard Ramm is worth its price and this one is no exception. This 117-page paperback develops a pattern of religious authority which demonstrates the place of imperial, delegated, stipulative and veracious authority. Believing the Bible to be inspired, Ramm’s authority position is basically sound; accepting Calvinism, Ramm’s position is …

So You Think Pot Is Harmless!

By Raymond E. Harris Advocates of legalizing marijuana have gone all out to convince the general public that “pot” when smoked in moderation, is really no worse than a few glasses of beer. Until now the usual reaction to the foregoing claim has been belief and relief. People are prone to believe what they want to …

No Thanks to Some Brethren

By Larry R. Houchen As a young gospel preacher, I suppose that I am just now learning one of many things experienced preachers learned when they were younger. Some brethren, either intentionally or unintentionally, discourage preachers. Contrary to the belief of some brethren, we preachers have feelings too. How would you feel, if, in your secular …

“God Is Light and in Him Is No Darkness at All…”

By Jeffery Kingry John’s concept of man’s relationship with God was not one that depended or varied with man’s understanding-but he claimed it was based upon God’s revelation. “For the life was manifested … and was manifested unto us; That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship …