The Birth of Christ: History or Myth

By Abraham Smith “Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes will He really find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8). Do you have problems accepting the biblical account of the birth of Jesus? Are you persuaded that relevant facts or information would lead to doubt of the biblical account? If so, I say as the Apostle …

Repent and Cluck Like a Chicken

By Tom Hamilton Had the Greek word baptisma — “baptisms” never been associated with a disputed religious practice, there never would have been any question concerning its meaning and proper English translation. However, by the time the first English translations of the Bible were made in the sixteenth century, ecclesiastical practice had already established “baptism” …

Personal Responsibility

By Mike Willis In Ezekiel’s day, shortly before the Babylonian Captivity in 587 B.C., the Jews explained their political difficulties by this proverb: “The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge” (Ezek. 18:2). The adage blamed their sufferings on others, namely their fathers. To refute this concept, Ezekiel described …