The Ancestry of Our English Bible

By Mike Willis For an introductory study of textual criticism, this book by Ira M. Price would be hard to beat. While I was attending Butler University, the book was used as textbook for one of our classes. The book is divided into these three divisions: (1) The Old Testament, (2) The New Testament, and (3) …

The Lord’s Work in the Philippines

By Earl E. Robertson Introduction In the early days of Christianity, Barnabas and Saul left Antioch in Syria to preach the gospel in Asia, travelling as far as Derbe (Acts 13 and 14). Then they returned visiting nearly all the places where they had preached on the trip, “confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting …

Inflation and Religious Printing

By Cecil Willis You probably are as tired of hearing about inflation as some of you have said you are of hearing about the “gracefellowship” subject, but whether we like it or not, it appears that both are here to stay. It appears that our national political leaders are going to continue to swing and sway …