Young Christians in a Drug Oriented Society

By Dick Blackford There are other subjects on which I had rather write, but perhaps none more needful than this one. The drug problem which permeates our society knows no boundaries. In the Third Annual Report To The U.S. Congress from the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (1973), after giving us some sobering statistics of …

Theological Goobledygook (II)

By Cecil Willis Last week we devoted some time to a discussion of some writers’ and preachers’ disposition to make a show of the wisdom, of this world in their preaching and writing. The illustration that was used regarding the study done by two “scholars” of the usage of participles in Paul’s epistles well demonstrates the …

Parental Delinquency

By Luther Blackmon J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, has repeatedly told us that the greatest factors in preventing juvenile delinquency and crime are discipline and the influence of religion in their lives. Statistics show that a very small percentage of the people in our penal institutions have ever attended church regularly. Less than five …