By Larry Ray Hafley “Sign” is the most frequent translation of the word semeion. It means “a sign, mark, token” (Thayer, p. 573). When reference is made to a miracle, semeion characteristically implies that the act indicates a power or meaning behind it. That is natural and logical, for what is a sign if it is …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Preacher’s Wages
By Tom Wheeler It is a good time for me to say some things on this subject as I just recently moved and no one could think I am asking for a raise yet. Brethren have mistreated many preachers by their stinginess. They and their families have done without necessities in order for them to preach …
The New Testament Church was Not a Denomination
By Bruce Edwards, Jr. “The church described in the New Testament was not a denomination.” We understand that sentence. We have heard it all our lives. We mouth it to friends and to neighbors. We courageously affirm it before fellow Christians. We are thoroughly and categorically convinced that it is true. But do we fully realize …
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The Present Editor
By Steve Wolfgang (Editor’s Note: The following remarks could as fittingly be applied to the editor of any of the other journals who speak as the divine oracles speak. With the great admiration which I have for the long deceased Benjamin Franklin, I would feel much more comfortable if you were to read the following article …