By Bruce Edwards, Jr. To what, can we attribute the tremendous growth of the church in the first century? If what so-called scholars and liberal theologians have said be true, then the uncanny growth can only be explained in terms of a widely-held delusion or deviously conceived lie. The center of the gospel was, is, and …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
The Day I Visited a “Church of Christ Bible Chair”
By Robert Wayne LaCoste Not long ago I decided to visit a neighboring community where East Texas State University is located, and to investigate a building which wears the name “Church of Christ Bible Chair.” As I entered the front of the building, my eyes immediately bugged out in bewilderment. In the entrance there appeared a …
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Do Works Annul Grace?
By Jimmy Thomas I have debated Baptists who gave Romans 4:4; 11:6, and other passages, trying to prove that if one does anything, then the blessing received from God is no longer by grace, that it becomes “a matter of debt, not favor.” It never seemed to occur to them that in no way could man …
John, Knowledge, and the Doctrine of Christ
By Jeffery Kingry There has been controversy stirred up by a few brethren over the interpretation and application of 2 Jno. 9. The thinking goes’ that contextually John can only be referring to the doctrine concerning Christ, i.e., that Jesus is not a gnostic phantom, or a spiritual Superman, untouched by temptation, but indeed was humanity …
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