By Gilbert W. Holt The subject of salvation is the greatest subject that has ever engaged the minds of men. To be saved with the redeemed of all ages, to be free from all of earth’s sorrows (Rev. 21:4), to gather around the great white throne of God in heaven and sing His praise for all …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Hindrances in Understanding the Bible
By Cecil Willis The Bible is a book given by God for the express purpose of directing man from earth to heaven. Its message is of such importance that without faithful obedience to it, one will be lost eternally in the lake of fire prepared for the Devil and his angels. It is a Book that …
Farris J. Smith
By Fanning Yater Tant Hundreds of grieving friends were there, including more than forty faithful preachers of the gospel, as Granville Tyler, A. C. Moore and James Shear sought to bring words of hope and reassurance. It was Monday, September 2. The scene was Elmwood Chapel in Birmingham, Alabama, and the still and silent form which …
Book Briefs
By Mike Willis Evolution Vs. Science and the Bible by Bob West This new series of studies on evolution is designed to be used in a 13-week course. It includes lesson sheets and homework sheets for each lesson. The creator of the Theophilus cartoon strip has leaned heavily on his previous works in that cartoon series …