By Larry Ray Hafley QUESTION: From Oklahoma: AAfter a brief discussion with a Missionary Baptist preacher of Billings, Oklahoma, he sent me Bogard’s book, a very amusing mess. But what about his rendition of Acts 2:38?” EXPLANATION: Our brother refers to the little booklet Campbellism Exposed by Ben M. Bogard. Mr. Bogard is not well known …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
False Accusations Made to Nigerians
By Donald P Ames Controversy has been raging in Nigeria for some time regarding the “issues” we have been fighting here in America. Although conservative brethren formerly worked well in the Western part of that country, while the liberals dominated the Eastern part, the war there disrupted the whole country and created an air of unrest …
1974 A.C.C. Preachers – Elders Workshop
By Ron Halbrook January 7, 8, 9, 1974, we attended the annual Abilene Christian College preacher workshop. Every session was attended, extensive notes were taken. Not only did we discuss the speeches with other sound brethren who attended, we talked to some of the speakers personally and even got a question on the floor in one …
Book Briefs
By Mike Willis Scriptural Elders And Deacons by H E. Phillips When Cogdill Foundations secured the right to re-print this book by Brother Phillips, no one could have been more delighted than I was. There have been few books which I have considered to be worth enough of my time to outline, but this was one …