Saturday Morning Service Meeting?

By Larry Ray Hafley Well, have you ever thought about it? Students are out of school. Several are off work on Saturday morning. So, why not plan a Saturday morning service during your gospel meetings? Very few churches conduct morning services during the week for various reasons. (Or should I say, in some cases, “excuses?”) But …

Your Preacher Will Need a Raise This Year

By Norman E. Fultz Several years ago, an article entitled “The Preacher Asks For A Raise” made the rounds in church bulletins. It began immediately to explain that a raise in finances was not meant, but rather a raise in attendance, interest, etc. But this present article is talking about a raise in finances, for very …

The Doctrinal Nature of the Beatitudes

By Dan Walters The eight statements of our Lord beginning with the word “blessed” which occur in Matthew 5:3-10 are commonly known as “the beatitudes,” from “beatus,” the Latin word for “blessed.” These declarations describe qualifications that one must possess in order to enter into and remain a faithful citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. They …


By Larry Ray Hafley QUESTION: From Tennessee: “Why did Ananias call Saul, Brother,’ before he was baptized (Acts 9:17; 22:13)? Was it just a custom of the Jews to call another Jew, Brother?’ “ REPLY: An affirmative answer to the second question will suffice to answer the first query. The Jews distinguished between “brother” and “neighbor” …