Just How Bad Does Garrett Want Speakers?

By Ron Halbrook Leroy. Garrett obviously designs his unity forums not only to explore concepts of unity but also to provide opportunity for cultivating fellowship across the lines. Because of the very atmosphere Garrett tries to generate at these forums, a speaker who did not share his basic concept of unity and fellowship across the lines …

Brief Biographies of Preachers???

By Cecil Willis Several years ago Norvel Young and Batsell Barrett Baxter compiled two volumes entitled Preachers of Today. At the time, I had absolutely no interest in such volumes, and these books often have been referred to as preacher “blow books.” But nonetheless, I have found myself resorting to them again and again for one …

The Lutherans and the Liberals

By Larry Ray Haflay   Well, I see in Time Magazine, April 29, 1974, that “The 2.8 million member Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod continues to be racked by dissension between moderates and conservatives over a cluster of issues involving among other matters, literal biblical interpretations.” One cannot read about the “Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod” in the Bible, so …