Error and Its Relationship to the Person and Work of Christ

By Larry Ray Hafley A proper presentation of the person and a correct declaration of the work of Christ will preclude numerous doctrinal errors. The sufficiency and superiority of Jesus in His character and mission were the antidote to first century heresy. The nature of neither Christ nor error has changed, therefore, the medicine used by …

The Church in Sacred History

By Cecil Willis (NOTE: From 1953-1957 I lived in Indianapolis, and preached upon radio stations WISH and WIBC, both of whom required that a manuscript be prepared. Thus in those four years, I wrote about 1600 pages of manuscripts, none of which has ever been published, except for about 250 mimeographed copies which were mailed out …

Mormonism (Part I): Talmadge and the Prophet

By Ronald D. Howes The Liar and False Prophet Joseph Smith has variously been described as a “nut,” a `fanatic, ” a “hypocrite,” and almost every other abusive name that could be put on any one person. I think a better description would be genius. Joseph Smith Jr., as he liked to be called, the seer …

Zealousness and Knowledge

By Larry R. Houchen Our federal government is based upon a “checks and balance” system. The President, vetoing a bill of congress or congress not passing the President’s proposed legislation are examples of the “checks and balances” system on the executive and legislative levels. In other words, each branch of the government keeps the other branches …