In the nine wars and 198 years since 1775, there have been 667,286 American battle deaths. In 1972 alone, 600,000 American babies were killed by abortion. More than a murder-a-minute for each of the 525,600 minutes of the year. In 1972 alone, more babies were killed by “legal” abortion in California than were American …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Sponsoring Churches
By Foy E. Wallace, Jr. “For one church to help another church bear its own burdens, therefore, has scriptural precedent. But for one church to solicit funds from other churches for general distribution in other fields or places, thus becoming the treasury of other churches, is quiet a different question. Such procedure makes a sort of …
Divine Law in the Church
By Cecil Willis As a member of the Lord’s church, there are some things permissible and some things forbidden. In order for one thing to be right and another wrong, there must be some law by which we are to abide. The fact of sin presupposes law, for John says “Sin is a transgression of the …
Letters of Ordination
By Steve Roe According to the United States Navy there are three religions that cover all matters pertaining to God: Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish. If a person was not Catholic, Jewish, or heathen, he was referred to as Protestant and subsequently followed the Protestant rules set down in the Chaplain’s Manual. All religious matters aboard ship …