By Cecil Willis The average man is badly confused in his thinking about the New Testament church. Preachers professing to declare the whole counsel of God when actually they are not, and man’s failure to study the Scriptures privately, are largely responsible for this misunderstanding. However hazy one’s view may be of the nature of the …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Does the New Testament Teach That the Wicked will be Punished Eternally in the Lake of Fire
By Irvin Himmel It is asserted sometimes that God punished the wicked in Old Testament days, but that He is shown to be loving. and compassionate in the New Testament; therefore, the Old Testament concept of punishment for sin is thought to differ from the New Testament concept. What Jesus Said: Let us begin by noting …
Belief and Truth
By Irvin Himmel No matter what your present belief, in this short essay I want to set before you the truth. Please study carefully the following points about belief and its relation to truth. Believing Something Does Not Make It The Truth The aged Jacob believed the story his sons told him which insinuated that their …
Why All the Fuss?
By Aubrey Belue, Jr. In recent months, much writing –“pro” and “con” (but mostly “con”) — has been done on the “grace-fellowship” issue. Due to the misdirection and “side issues” which now obscure the scene, wisdom requires us to seek clear definition of matters as they currently stand. We have seen the issue initiated in the …