By Brent Hunter A few months ago members of the church of Christ in Pekin, Indiana, were somewhat bewildered when the phrase, “Brent is coming, ” began to appear in their bulletin. It was not until several weeks after it appeared that a full explanation was given that the elders had hired a student to work …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Using A Student Preacher
By Bob Buchanon How would you like to add new zest and enthusiasm in the local work? How would you like to do that while at the same time be assisting a student develop as a preacher of the gospel? Do you have some money that you would be willing to invest into a great program …
A Sure Foundation
By Jimmy Tuten, Jr. Several years ago a network television news report told of a large East Coast city housing development that was abandoned because of the apparent unstableness of the foundation. The houses had hardly been completed and occupied when it was discovered that the earth beneath them was not stable. Efforts to institute intensive …
What I Know About the Holy Spirit
By A. C. Grider This article would be too long if I were to try to tell you what I do not know about the Holy Spirit. Besides, I can not tell you what I do not know about it; for I do not know what all I do not know. So I am setting forth …