Fellowship and First Corinthians

By Mike Willis Some time ago, I decided to write on the subject of fellowship in relation to some of the events recorded in 1 Corinthians. I wrote these articles at that time, although I published only the one on 1 Cor. 1:10 (“Unity in Diversity or Unity in Doctrine,” Truth Magazine, Vol. XVII, No. 17, …

That Thief Again

By William V. Beesley It has often and rightly been observed that when one leaves the shelter of complete Bible authority, there is no stopping place short of complete apostasy. Paul said, “But evil men and imposters shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Tim. 3:13). Even principles that were once firmly established …

The Bible Correspondence Course

By Norman Midgette From personal experience I have learned that one of the better ways of reaching the lost with the gospel is through the use of Bible Correspondence Courses. If you will use a good course, advertise adequately, and correspond promptly with those who take the course, good results will come. Here is one example …