By Larry Ray Hafley QUESTION: From Kentucky: “Please explain the meaning of laying on hands before sending out preachers (not connected with spiritual gifts) as mentioned in Acts 13:2, 3. Should this be practiced today along with fasting?” REPLY: “Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers …. As they …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
And we Wonder why Brethren are Confused
By Cecil Willis In the bulletins and religious journals which I receive, brethren continually are expressing amazement at the lack of knowledge on the part of some brethren. One’s amazement at the confusion and ignorance of the masses of brethren will be somewhat lessened if he will examine carefully what they are being taught. Judging from …
Going by the Book
By Gordon J. Pennock We regard it our duty to constantly exhort brethren to neither inject nor accept into our teaching, worship, work or organization anything for which clear authorization cannot be found in the Bible. This may not be the way to get the church on the “band-wagon” nor “in step” with the many innovations …
Filling in the Gaps
By Ron Halbrook (A Reflection On Franklin Puckett’s Passing) Awake, young men, and fill in the gaps! Now is a time to sing with understanding, “Soldiers of Christ, arise, And put your armor on; Strong in the strength which God supplies, Strong in the strength which God supplies Thro’ His beloved Son.” That song should be …