“Doctrinal” Differences and Lindy McDaniel (IV)

By Cecil Willis The last article in this series explaining just what “doctrinal” differences existed between Brother Lindy McDaniel, and myself and other members of the Cogdill Foundation Board, brought us chronologically to the time when the three sessions of discussion consisting of twelve or more hours occurred in the home of Brother Roy E. Cogdill …

After the Way which They call Legalism, so Worship I God (III)

By Ron Halbrook What Is Legalism? We need to do some searching and studying about legalism. The charge of legalism is being bandied about, and the term is used very loosely in many cases. Faithfulness to the gospel in its simplicity and purity is being caricatured as legalism. Just what is legalism? Is the scheme of …

“Doctrinal” Differences and Lindy McDaniel (III)

By Cecil Willis Yet another period of several months has passed, during which time I suppose that I have been trying to convince myself that nothing more need be said publicly about the doctrinal stance of Brother Lindy McDaniel. Though two or three men of prominence have more than once sought to dissuade me in regard …