Baptism: “Work of Man or of God?”

By Earl E. Robertson This has been, and is, a much argued subject. It has not been so argued because God did not plainly reveal His will in this matter. The Bible says, “baptism saves” (1 Pet. 3:21). Any explanation of this statement, which denies that baptism saves, is not an explanation at all, but a …

Immersion, Pouring and Sprinkling A History

By Bruce Edwards, Jr. This writer can remember witnessing at the age of five the “baptism” of his infant cousin; the denominational “pastor” sprinkled drops of water upon his forehead. I wondered at the significance of that action then, but now, with an increased understanding of the Scriptural design of baptism I not only wonder, but …

The Action of Baptism

By Steve Wolfgang The subject of the “action” of baptism quite evidently concerns itself with the nature of the act. It raises the question, “Exactly what is `baptism’?-” This is a question which should be of obvious importance to every professed believer of the Bible. To those who do not believe the word of God, little …

The Subjects of Bible Baptism

By Harry E. Ozment There is not a single aspect connected with baptism about which there is not some controversy in the religious world. This is true in regard to its essentiality, its form, and its element. There is also controversy in the consideration of the subjects of baptism. Let us investigate the three main ideas …