By Roy E. Cogdill Standards are essential in our complex way of life today. Standards of weight, measurement, time, exchange, etc., eliminate confusion and uncertainty and simplify life for us. They are essential. But by what right and by whom are they established? For each to try to establish his own destroys any sort of standardization. …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Personal Evangelism (II) : Significance
By William C. Sexton How important is personal evangelism? Until we see the results of this activity and become impressed with them, we shall be inactive in this great work. Therefore, we need to emphasize the Bible significance of this. We need, therefore, to ask the question, “does the Bible point to the significance of personal …
Preaching in the Philippines
By Cecil Willis This article is being written in Alice Springs, Australia. After preaching for a month in the Philippines, I then came to Australia for an additional month of work here. I left home on March 28th and am scheduled to return home on June 4th, though I must leave from home again within about …
Written Revelation
By Irvin Himmel God revealed Himself to man in the age of the patriarchs. Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were not left without a disclosure of the divine will. However, there was no written revelation in those days. With the giving of the law at Mt. Sinai, God began the utilization of writing to …