By Franklin Burns “And when they had appointed for them elders in every church . . .” (Acts 14:23). The passage before us contains the earliest mention of the appointment of elders, yet these were by no means the first elders appointed. ‘Paul and Barnabas, when sent to Jerusalem with a contribution for the poor saints, …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
By Jeffery Kingry A wise man once said, “A man’s character is the sum of all the decisions he has made in his life.” When we discuss character, and what makes people what they are, we overlook this simple fact. Have you ever wondered why some people are nothing while folks from the same background somehow …
“If You can’t Stand the Heat: then Get Out of the Kitchen”
By Daniel H. King I heard the phrase that heads this article at a football game a few years ago. It was shouted by a fan (obviously cheering for the winning side) to a group of agitated fans who were bemoaning the outcome of the game. How apropos that little sentence was! Anyone who participates in …
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By Larry Ray Hafley Question: From Indiana: “Hebrews 11:5 states Enoch was translated that he should not see death, but Hebrews 11:13 states that all of these (I assume this to include Enoch also) died in faith. Could you possibly explain in your column this apparent contradiction?” Reply: Here is a case where an acknowledged assumption …