By Roland Worth, Jr. In the December 6, 1959, issue of the Russian Communist publication Pravada, there appeared a major article on page four, entitled “Rejection of religion-the only correct course.” It was signed by Alexander Osipov, a prominent individual in the Greek Orthodox Church. He wrote, “Yes, I, Professor of Old Testament and Classical Hebrew …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Denominationalizing the Church (I)
By Roy E. Cogdill The church of the New Testament, designed by the God of heaven from eternity, built by the Lord Jesus Christ, and set forth in its identity by the Holy Spirit on the pages of New Testament teaching was not then, and is not now, if it exists upon this earth, any part …
Partakers of the Divine Nature
By Keith Sharp Sometimes, to excuse a fault or transgression, we rationalize, “Well, that’s just human nature.” Actually, different people have variant natures. Some people, vile sinners, have the nature of the devil (Jn. 8:44). Others are so crudely rebellious in their actions that they have the nature of “brute beasts” (2 Pet. 2:12). But, if …
Faith and Works
By Cecil Willis In our last lesson we studied the relationship that existed between faith and salvation, and from that study we concluded that there was a definite relationship existing between faith and salvation, for without faith one could not be saved. We then studied that it was not by faith alone, or by faith only …