By Paul K. Williams The progress of institutionalism and centralization in the Church of Christ in South Africa is, as in America, many faceted. In 1963, when the Turffontein (Johannesburg) church precipitated the split by sending out letters of “withdrawal” labeling Gene Tope and Ray Votaw as Bowers of division, the liberals managed to make the …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
High School Marriages
By James W Adams One of the manias of modern society is the craze to have too much too soon. The old virtue of waiting and working to obtain is exactly what we called it “an old (obsolete) virtue.” Precocious youth wants a hot-rod when it ought to be pedaling a “bike,” a boy friend.. when …
The Word Abused: Hebrews 10:25
By Mike Willis In the May issue of Restoration Review, editor Leroy Garrett continued his examination of abuses of the scripture by considering Heb. 10:25. If Brother Garrett contributed anything new to interpreting Heb. 10:25, I missed it. He said that he believed that the day of Heb. 10:25 was the day of the destruction of …
Where is Truth.?
By Jeff Butterfield “I have been on the (U.S.S.) Saratoga for fourteen months where I am a welder. Thirteen months ago I was converted by the brethren here. Since that time I have had the desire to preach the gospel. If the Lord wills, I will push toward that goal. I am thankful for every opportunity …